A More Sustainable Future


Sustainability. part of our dna

A sustainable future for our environment is everyone's responsibility. As a company, we have to take on a pioneering role here and lead by example. Sustainability is therefore an essential part of our corporate philosophy. We take responsibility for people, the environment and the region from which our water comes.


Our Mission 2025 approach to achieving sustainable growth is based on our stakeholder materiality matrix and is fully aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets.  Our six key focus areas reflect our value chain:  reducing emissions; water use and stewardship; Packaging (World Without Waste); ingredient sourcing; nutrition; and our people and communities.

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We are on track of meeting our Mission 2025 sustainability commitments. The table provides data on the progress of each of the six sustainability pillars. For more information, please see our 2019 Integrated Annual Report and 2019 GRI Content Index.

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At Coca‑Cola HBC we believe that creating a sustainable future is a global matter. It’s by working with others that we can promote change and respond effectively to challenges.


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Coca-Cola HBC has the highest ratings in respected ESG rakings, including MSCI ESG, FTSE4GOOD and CDP Climate & Water.


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Our material issues are those that matter most to our stakeholders and broader shareholder groups, and subsequently impact the Company’s value drivers, competitive position and long-term value creation.